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Behmor 1600

Link zum Hersteller: http://www.behmor.com/

Interview mit dem Designer


Dank an Faustonerono! Hier die Links, ich werde sie nach und nach hier einfügen und schön herrichten, habe aber gerade keine Zeit :-)

Hauptsächlich bei Sweet Maria's:

Behmor Coffee Roaster - First Look from Sweet Maria's -Hot Top Home Coffee Roaster

Hier die finale Beschreibung:

Behmor Drum Coffee Roaster $299 with 8 Lbs. extra coffee and shipping discount. Behmor 1600 RoastJava Insbesondere das Fazit: Behmor Drum Coffee Roaster $299 with 8 Lbs. extra coffee and shipping discount. Behmor 1600 RoastJava

Der "Rest" in Auswahl:

Behmor 1600 Home Coffee Roaster Review

MoreCoffee! | Behmor 1600 Review

Chocolate Alchemy - Behmor 1600 Roaster bzw. Chocolate Alchemy Behmor 1600 Gourmet Coffee AND COCOA Roaster

CoffeeGeek - Coffee: Home Roasting Talk, Behmor temp stability vs IR2 vs Gene Cafe

Behmor vs Hottop

Captain's Coffee: Behmor 1600 review

Änderung der Spannung

ein Statement von Joe Behmor:

a change was made I was unaware of... here is the proper programming procedure..

instead of weights... use A, B or C...

Setting voltage program:

For 220v countries while pressing program button A insert the power cord’s plug into your power source. Your system display should show 220. Now press Start. The 220 will disappear from the display and you are now ready to perform your next steps.

For 230v countries while pressing program button B insert the power cord’s plug into your power source. Your system display should show 230. Now press Start. The 230 will disappear from the display and you are now ready to perform your next steps.

For 240v countries while pressing program button C insert the power cord’s plug into your power source. Your system display should show 240. Now press Start. The 240 will disappear from the display and you are now ready to perform your next steps.

View topic - Behmor 1600: first look :: Too Much Coffee :: The European Coffee Resource